Year 2020 House to House National Immunization Days (NIDs)

Year 2020 House to House National Immunization Days (NIDs)
Date: Sat 15th – Tue 18th Feb, 2020
Time: 7.00AM-2.00PM Daily
Children 0-5years irrespective of their previous immunization status.
Venue: Houses, churches, mosques, schools, gated estates, social events, shopping malls, clinics, markets, playgrounds etc.
1. Facts about Polio Vaccination.
Polio vaccination will be conducted in February by the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA), Lagos State Ministry of Health (LSMoH), and Lagos State Primary Health Care Board (LSPHCB) with support from Health Development Partners (WHO, UNICEF, CHAI, PACFaH, Rotary Polio Plus)
2. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that all children be vaccinated.
3. Polio vaccine is very safe, free and gets children protected against polio disease. No vaccine is hazardous, dangerous, or causes any disease.
4. The best way to get protected against polio is to get vaccinated against irrespective of the immunization status.
5. Polio is a disease caused by poliovirus. It can cause lifelong paralysis (can’t move parts of the body), and it can be deadly.
6. The risk of lifelong paralysis is very serious. Even children who seem to fully recover can develop new muscle pain, weakness, or paralysis as adults, 15 to 40 years later.
7. Poliovirus is very contagious. It spreads through contact with the stool (poop) of an infected person or droplets from a sneeze or cough. If you get stool or droplets from an infected person on your hands and you touch your mouth, you can get infected. Also, if your child puts objects, like toys, that have stool or droplets on them into their mouth, they can get infected.
8. An infected person may spread the virus to others immediately before and usually 1 to 2 weeks after developing symptoms. The virus may live in an infected person’s stool for many weeks. He or she can contaminate food and water when they touch it with unwashed hands.
9. The only means of prevention of the polio disease is to accept and take the polio vaccination.
Benefits of Immunization
1. Good health and survival of children have been associated with immunization because it reduces morbidity and mortality.
2. Its contribution to lowering the incidence of diseases, results in less frequent visits to health facilities by caregivers.
3. Immunization is a cost saving and cost effective public health intervention
4. Aside from its cost effectiveness, immunization minimizes the anxiety associated with raising children such that caregivers of fully immunized children usually worry less about their children suffering from Vaccine Preventable Diseases.
5. Immunization is one of the cost effective and most successful Public Health investments one can make for future generations.
Dr. Tayo Lawal