General news Advert for Construction Service of New Office Building (H/Q) for Lagos State Primary Health Care Board Admin March 27, 2020
news Federal Govt. of Nigeria shutdown schools nationwide as a measure to curb the spread of Corona-virus…..culled from Admin March 19, 2020
news Spain lockdown as France closes shops as Covid-19 spread…..culled from Admin March 15, 2020
news Donation of Hand Sanitizers produced by the Directorate of Pharmaceutical Services (PHCB) to the PS LSPHCB (Dr. Aina Olugbemiga) towards combating COVID-19. Admin March 6, 2020
news Training Session on the control and prevention of Corona-Virus (Covid-19) for Medical Personnel and other Supporting Staff of LSPHCB on Monday 2nd March, 2020. Admin March 2, 2020
news Sensitization COVID-19:10 Basic Things WHO wants Individual to know….culled from Admin March 1, 2020
Health news Sensitization COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK Update…culled from Admin March 1, 2020